Naoki Sutter-Shudo

Naoki Sutter-Shudo was born in 1990 in Paris. He currently lives in Los Angeles.

Taking the form of sculptures or installations, photographs or paintings, Naoki Sutter-Shudo’s works combine materials and techniques with caustic sophistication. By their eccentric refinement, display of artifice, and incisive erudition, these pieces exude a form of decadent seduction reminiscent of J.-K. Huysmans and Georges Bataille in the literary sphere. They also reflect a certain fascination with the notion of the microcosm, the reduction of a universe to the dimensions of human hands, whereby technical mastery and rationality are pushed to the point of manifesting their inverse.

Born in France, educated in Japan, and now based in Los Angeles, the artist’s work reveals both the multiplicity of his cultural influences and a singular conception of language. The artist often revels in the very process of translation, the paradoxical materialization of signs, and a sense of the absurd inherent in the everyday experience of slippage of meaning.

His work is represented by Galerie Crèvecoeur (Paris), Derosia (New York) and XYZ Collective (Tokyo).